Your way to a digital representation of your company with LeanIX and the Deloitte Insight driven architecture approach
In today's world, many organizations have reached a high level of complexity, making it challenging to make informed decisions. To improve the decision-making process, a holistic, integrated digital representation of the organization is an important success factor. This is especially true for assessing the risks of technologies and their impact on current and future business success.
Despite the widespread availability of data and technologies, many companies lack transparency to make quick and informed decisions in ever-shorter development cycles. Above all, the increase in complexity and possibilities makes it necessary to achieve a high level of integration of all systems and data and their availability. The time and effort required to access this information is a critical success factor.
Deloitte's Insight-Driven Architecture approach enables analysis and interpretation of logical relationships, empowering executives and practitioners to make data-driven decisions to address key objectives and business challenges. This leverages LeanIX's various powerful out-of-the-box integration capabilities and established technical solutions to easily integrate disparate data sources across the enterprise and deliver meaningful insights.