IT + Business: A Simpatico Relationship Unleashed by Signavio – Data to Insights to Value in Days

IT + Business: A Simpatico Relationship Unleashed by Signavio – Data to Insights to Value in Days

Tuesday, September 17, 2024 11:35 AM to 12:05 PM · 30 min. (America/Chicago)
Level 4 - Main Stage / Breakout 1 (Sheraton Ballroom V)
Business transformationApplicationsProcessesPeopleDataRecordedPlatinum SponsorPartner


360º Data led Transformation: Signavio Process Insights & Process Intelligence First, genAI Next

Join us to explore the latest advancements in these technologies and learn how to harness their power to drive significant business transformation.

Key takeaways:

  • Uncover hidden inefficiencies: Learn how Signavio process insights can identify bottlenecks and optimize your processes for maximum efficiency.
  • Drive data-driven decision-making: Discover how to leverage insights to make informed decisions and improve outcomes.
  • Accelerate digital transformation: Explore a real-world example of how Moog has started the Signavio Process Insights journey and how that expands into Signavio Process Transformation Manager
  • Stay tuned: Gain a competitive edge by understanding the latest trends and best practices in process mining led AI.
  • Don't miss this opportunity to learn from industry experts and network with like-minded professionals. Register now to secure your spot at this exclusive event.